
Grade 5

What to Expect in Fifth Grade

thumbnail of 5th_ Future Focus 2023-2024 Slide Deck

Ms. Jillian Tullish

Ms. Tullish

My name is Jill Tullish! I have taught in DC at schools with a social justice and anti-racist lens for over seven years and feel fortunate to have worked at schools that align with my passions. I have worked at a Turnaround Art school and a project-based school where we solved problems in our class, school, and community integrating the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) disciplines. This is my second year in Arlington Science Focus. When I am not at school, you better believe I’m still drinking coffee! I love to be outdoors either camping, reading outside in the park, or just going for a morning stroll. My dog, Blue, loves walks and sticks, but he is a nervous camper.


Mr. Alec Kerestesi

Mr. Kerestesi


Ms. Yvonne Todd

four-leaf clover
